Midnight Lady’s Thunderbolt
Daughter of:
Summerfords Ready Set Go at Midnight Lady x JCh Midnight Lady's Rumble in the Jungle
Bred by : Zsuzsa Somos
Born : August 7th, 2021
OFA Hips and Elbow
Result: Good Hips and Normal Elbows
OFA Advanced Cardiac
Result: Normal
OFA Eyes
Result: Normal
Result: Clear
Breed Relevant Conditions
Results: Cystnuria Carrier (not affected) Others: Clear
Dam: Summerford’s Ready Set Go at ML “Zsazsa”
Sire: BIS AM Ch CAN Ch RO JCh Midnight Lady’s Rumble In The Jungle “Zombie”
Summerford’s Ready Set Go at ML “Zsazsa”
Midnight Lady’s Rumble In The Jungle “Zombie”
Midnight Lady’s Rumble In The Jungle “Zombie”
Midnight Lady’s Rumble In The Jungle “Zombie”